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  Gary Habermas
Responds to
Jordan Peterson
About the Resurrection

Dialog with
Hank Hanegraaff

Radio Interview
The Historical Jesus

History, Philosophy, and Christian Apologetics:
Specializing in Resurrection-of-Jesus Research
     Billions profess to believe in the historical existence, death, and supernatural resurrection of Jesus. This man from Nazareth, a working-class Jew, made an exclusive claim to personal deity. The size of his popular religion and this one audacious claim refuse to be ignored, yet neither one amounts to evidence.
     Gary Habermas has dedicated his professional life to the examination of the relevant historical, philosophical, and theological issues surrounding the death and resurrection of Jesus. His extensive list of publications and debates provides a thorough account of the current state of the issue. Christian believers as well as unbelievers may find within the contents of this site a strong argument for the philosophical possibility of miracles and the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus, as well as the theological and practical implications of this event.

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Most Recently Added Materials: 
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:: "Magnum Opus" Announcement:
Sean McDowell discusses Dr. Habermas' Definitive and Comprehensive new series on the Resurrection of Jesus.
VIDEO FILE A124 APR-06-2024
:: Facts for the Resurrection of Jesus, with Dr. Michael Brown
VIDEO FILE A123 APR-06-2024
:: What We Get Wrong About the Crucifixion and Burial of Jesus
VIDEO FILE A122 APR-06-2024
:: Evan Pierce and Gary Habermas Discuss Resurrection, Easter 2024
VIDEO FILE A121 APR-06-2024
:: Gary Habermas Discusses Teaching in Christian Higher Education
VIDEO FILE A120 APR-06-2024
:: Did Jesus’ Resurrection Really Happen? On the Influence Podcast
VIDEO FILE A119 APR-06-2024
:: The Resurrection of Christ: an interview with Kevin Richard
VIDEO FILE A118 APR-06-2024
:: Discussion on the Historicity of Jesus
AUDIO FILE B68 APR-06-2024
:: Worldview and Apologetics: with Alex McFarland VIDEO FILE A110 JUN-09-2023
:: Gary Habermas, Nick Peters Discuss the Resurrection
VIDEO FILE A109 JUN-09-2023
See full lists of resources on respective Video, Audio, Books, and Articles pages.
 Books by Dr. Habermas:

On the Resurrection (Series):

The Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ
Case for the Resurrection of Jesus (with Mike Licona)
The Risen Jesus & Future Hope
Resurrected? : An Atheist and Theist Dialogue (with Antony Flew)
In Defense of Miracles (with Doug Geivett)
>> more

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GaryHabermas.com® Web Resource For the Study of the Resurrection of Jesus
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Dr. Gary R. Habermas is Distinguished Research Professor at LIBERTY UNIVERSITY  
1971 University Boulevard,
Lynchburg, Virginia 24502
Review of Psychiatric Hypotheses
for the Biblical Easter Story

The Uniqueness of
Jesus Christ