Promotional Information, Photos
On this page you may download hi-resolution images and introductory blurbs of Dr. Habermas for production of promotional materials. Additional promotional information may be obtained from the CV.

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These photographs are intended for promotion of Dr. Habermas' speaking events, videos, audio messages, or printed materials.
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Promotional Text

Long Blurb:

Dr. Gary Habermas is the author or co-author of over 50 books and 100 articles and reviews in journals and magazines. In the last 16 years he has given over 1500 lectures in about 100 universities, seminaries, and colleges. He holds a PhD in History and Philosophy of Religion from Michigan State University as well as an MA in Philosophical Theology from the University of Detroit. He is a Distinguished Research Professor at Liberty University, where he has taught for the past 30 years. His main areas of research include the philosophical study of miracles, near-death experiences, the historical Jesus, and the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus.

Short Blurb:

Dr. Gary Habermas has penned over 50 books and over a hundred articles. He has given over 1500 lectures in universities, seminaries, and colleges all over the world and is a Distinguished Research Professor at Liberty University, where he has taught for 30 years.




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